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I was iffy but let it slide. About a week later I get a call from her s****r. She didn’t remember how to get to my house so she needed directions. I didn’t think anything of the call until she asked if my parents were home. That seemed a little odd, but I told her anyways, they weren’t She showed up about 10 minutes later and brought all my stuff to the door. I thanked her and then she asked if she could come in. I told her it probably wouldn’t be the best idea but she insisted because she had. ..she's, um, she's your sister...your half sister."Meg smiled demurely.Matthew knew he had a sister, or several to be exact. Even his secretive father hadn't been able to suppress that information. Yet Matthew had been given an ultimatum: warned to give up hope of ever meeting them. If he did, he could forget about his father forever. "Come on bro," offered Meg with a radiant smile, slotting her fingers warmly into his, "I'll introduce you to the others."Matthew took a deep breath, looking at. But jerking around was not all it did. Wow! I gasped when he released his first wave. The hot canine semen flew high into the air. I did not see where it landed because I was already focusing on the second one. And soon the third. By the time I realized I was also squirting, it was all over. My thighs were now soaking wet and so was the couch beneath me. As well as the floor by my feet. What now? I wondered. Usually, my fantasies came to an end when I climaxed. But on a few very rare occasions,. The centrifugal force was so strong he couldn’t pull himself back into the fiery helicopter but his death grip was enough to keep him from being ejected, as long as he could find a way to hold on. Through the smoke he could see Sergeant Cash, still strapped in and slumped over like a rag doll. His torso was nothing but a big, empty hole. If he had time to form a rational thought and comprehend what had just happened, Patton would have thrown up. ‘FUCK FUCK FUCK,’ Westwood shouted angrily,.
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