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. I'll let you jerk off, but you'll have to do it my way. Strip naked." Eric began pulling off his clothes."I want to you to be totally nude for this. And remember no touching yourself until I say so. When you're done, kneel down on the ground. Are you ready? Good boy. We'll start with just one finger. Take one finger and run it along your cock for me. Mmm... that feels good, doesn't it?" The first touch made Eric twitch with pleasure and frustration, but he continued. Remi ran her index finger. He asked what was up and I laughed and said, well you aren't anymore. I told him we were going to fuck so Ellen could see what it was like. He looked at me, then at her. We did the whole romantic thing Peter. He hugged me, then we started kissing. We talked as she wasn't there. Dan took off my top and my bra. Ellen had seen my tits before, but she had never seen my nipples so hard. When he had me stripped totally, he told me to sit on the bed and watch him undress. I watched and saw Ellen. I just wanted to talk to Fred about tonight’s move.”“No Father, I was just talking with Fred about my learning some skills. He said I should talk to you about teaching me some of the hand-to-hand skills you have. Also he said that the 22 gun would be available for me in a couple days. I am done now, if you want to talk with him.”“No Son it is fine. Once we get all the new people settled I am going to give some classes to anyone who wants to learn hand-to-hand fighting. I am also going to select. Now I swing the bat with all my might. Now I am strong. Now I hear a crunch followed by a shrill scream. Now I am strong. Now I pull back and swing again and again. Now I am strong. Now I hear her yelling. Now I am strong. Now I see her flipping on the lights. Now I am strong. Now I see her looking down at him as I continue to wail on him with the bat. Now I am strong. Now I hear her yelling at me as he cries out in agony. Now I am strong. Now I see her rushing towards me. Now I am strong..
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