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What’s more, with any other artist it would have been a catastrophe. But it wasn’t any other artist, and it wasn’t a catastrophe. I suppose you are just the producer for Teddy…and Teddy is just the artist for you. So take your fucking question, and make your fucking record, and leave me the hell alone.’ He glances over at Bennie. ‘Can I go?’ Bennie nods. ‘Thank you, Walter. From me.’ ‘Yeah, well, you got a business to run, and I suppose you have to work with unsavory people from time to time.’. My heart was thumping so loudly I was sure that they would hear it. The thrill of being caught doing something so perverse, because I’m such a respected community member, was driving me to be even more bold. If I slowed down my breathing, I could hear what they were talking about. I was pleased to hear Stacey’s angelic voice asking Nelly who the man staring at her, from behind the couch. Nelly said I was a neighbour. She seemed to recall me, but when Nelly reminded her I was Todd’s father, she. ..need.He backed off then and walked away through the kitchen, leaving me alone, breathing quick, thoughts racing, had he changed his mind?A second later I heard the 'clack' of the front door yale lock engaging, jumping at the loud hollow sound, my heart raced as footsteps drew near, John returning..... I suddenly felt naive, a foolish young lady, what was I doing!John walked right up to me, stood staring for a moment, his eyes full of lust, filled with predator like hunger, I stood there still. She thought of thenumber of times she had to fake an orgasm and left frustrated whilst hesnored in the bed. No it deserved to stay locked.No, Pet could suffer, this was only right, that silly thing was going tostay locked up, even if it never grew again. Carrying that cage aroundwould be a constant reminder of its fate and its past, even if it didwear girly clothes and the key nestling between her mounds would remindher as well.So desperate was pet to get its manliness back in working order, it.
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