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I provided a few soft thrusts and she pulled away only to come back again and millimeter by millimeter I sank my penis into her. She was still not relaxed but I pulled her down on my chest and we rested and savored the moment. I moved gently and rubbed her silky back. She kissed me on the throat and moved her pelvis up and down slightly forcing me ever deeper in to her. She rubbed my chest and said, “I’ve been wondering all night what this was going to be like and it has been like nothing I. She reached up and kissed me fully on the lips,“Can I really? that would be fantastic” “Of course, I’ll write down the address, you can have a look and if you’re happy move in as soon as you like”“Do you have any other shopping to do?” Linda asked.“Yes I need some more undies and stockings also some makeup” I replied.“Wait here and I’ll be back” she said putting her panties and slacks back on. She stepped into her shoes and left me alone again. I unclipped the measuring bra and removed the. I jumped down to the ground and stood examining my hand for a while. "That was cool, I thought you were going to fall, but you just stuck there like you were glued on." D had a big smile etched into her features."It was a bit odd, just hanging there. I was a little concerned I was stuck for good for a bit," I replied, "It didn't take as much effort as I would have expected. The finger thing was a bit weird..." I bent my fingers back on themselves experimentally, and tried flexing my toes the. " "I'm fine mom," I resisted weakly, but I never could say no to my mom. Her hands pushed against my shoulders and I slid forward, giving her enough room to kneel behind me. She pulled off my shirt and rubbed my back, her gentle hands pressing on my spine and shoulder blades. We fell silent, only the sound of our breathing and of her hands rubbing against my skin audible. She drew herself straight up on her knees, her warm hands rhythmically massaging my neck and shoulders. "Oh, that feels.
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