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I talked much more with Peter than I had in years. I kept telling him how great his cock felt. I begged him to never stop fucking me, I could feel him ready to climax so I jumped off of him, aimed my ass at the wall and plant as I would kiss his balls and cock. I was driving Peter crazy keeping him right there. I got him cooled down just a little and I begged him to fuck my asshole. Peter loves doing me there but I seldom let him have my asshole because he is so quick and when I do Anal I love. I got up and started undressing myself as she started to undress my brother now we were all naked we pulled her from the wall I was behind her as I kissed her neck her armpits her whole back slowly enjoying every part slowly till I reached her ass crack I bit her ass cheek she shouted in pain then I went back to her pussy kneeling between my brothers cock and her pussyI started to spread her legs and let my tongue back into her honey hole twisting and turning my tongue she again started moving. . She was really pissed off nd finally decided to go get a massage frm the spa downstairs . Imran thought of this as a good opportunity to lure her and somhow persuaded her to give her a massage. ‘Come on lie down i’ll give you a massage you will never forget”remove your shirt nd lie down the bed’sania was kinda taken aback but thinking tht it was just her brother removed her shirt nd flopped into the bed in just her shorts tht shwed off her beautiful legs nd thighs and her pink bra..Imran. "Yes! You know I do," My Mother-in-Law murmured in reply.I played with her hair for a few more minutes, then I moved my caresses to her neck and shoulders. That brought a gasp from her and sent a shudder through her body.I'd dreamed of this night for so long and knew exactly what I needed to do. I kept my touch whisper-soft, barely letting my fingers touch her as they skimmed over her skin. She had known little gentleness in her life and I knew she'd respond powerfully to being treated.
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