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She not moving.Richard goes back and gets the ring. The ring Jeanette had been looking at. He found this out when he was fixing her computer. Her log showed she looked at it a lot. A princess cut with a band of single stones. But Richard had gotten it customized. He had blue sapphires added to the princess middle stone so it wrapped around the stone. It was supposed to emphasize he would protect her. But I think it changed its role tonight. He goes back to the shower in their room. She laying. Twice, after servicing her bottom orally, she has also let me slide my cock between her cheeks so that I came over the small of her back. Mostly though, and mainly because Anya loves watching me ejaculate, she uses her hand (sometimes squatting with her pussy or ass pressed squarely on my mouth) and gets me off that way. I'm happy with that, for the most part, and sometimes I can quite cheerfully forego the pleasure of intercourse because she is so fucking skilled at what she does for. Once he had my pussy going nuts, he went one step further. He pushed my panties into me with his fingers and began fingerfucking me through my panties! This was a new twist I had never experienced before and it was so dirty! I was completely turned on now and I spread my legs wide, holding them open with my hands and letting him do anything he wanted to me! God, I had never been so horny or wanted a man so much as I did right then!The feeling of the silky fabric rubbing hard against my entrance. However, I told him that whatever I say would be loud enough for him to hear as he would be just below the cot, like I would tell the milkman loudly to pull me up the bed, not to leave and give massage to relieve my pain and ways to give relief by massage, which place to massage, I shall exclaim pleasure and relief when he starts massage of groin, beg him to massage only those places and as his hands tries to go below my panty encourage him loudly by saying very good massage, please go further.
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