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..there was about five of 'em...then one of 'em thrust his knob into me face...right under me eye..." Gemma pointed at her cheek, "...'fuckin' suck this...ya dirty tart', he I opened me gob, but one of the other blokes beats him to it an' he rams his cock in...course, it goes all the way into me throat, don't it? Made me choke, it did...but I closed me mouth around it an' started suckin'..." I smiled and slowly shook my head; it was becoming quite obvious to me that Gemma really was a. Verdammt, was wusste er? Oder vermutete er nur was? Hatte ich mich verraten? „Ja, Ben wollte nach Dir sehen. Gut, wenn man einen Arzt in der Familie hat."Ich atmete auf. Gott sei Dank, er wusste nichts. Und zugleich merkte ich, wie schon allein die Erwähnung des Namens Ben meinen Blutdruck steigen ließ.„Ja, ja", bestätigte ich schnell. „Ja, Ben hat kurz nach mir gesehen. Nett von ihm."„Ich habe noch mit ihm gesprochen. Er meint, Du hättest Dir zu viel zugemutet. Er hat Dir was gespritzt,. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn’t hear the footsteps coming behind me. ‘Emma, is that you?’ That voice, it couldn’t be. I turned around and he was there, looking at me with a frown. ‘Ethan…’ I tried to say. He knelt down beside me, taking my face in his hands. ‘Emma, are you ok?’ I whipped away the tears from my face, and gave him a small smile. ‘Yeah, I’ll be fine, no worries, I got a little overwhelmed, that’s it.’ I wasn’t very convincing, and I wasn’t fooling anyone, he. She was getting wet down there.Me: Mmmmm.Eve: How does it feel to be used?Me: It feels good.Eve: Yes it does!She made me lie on my back and she sat on my face by pushing her pussy near my mouth.Eve: Yes.Me: You’re so wet.Eve: Uh, what did you expect?Me: It means I’m doing it right.Eve: You are. Keep doing it!Me: I won’t stop until you say the word.Eve: Very good!As she was sitting on my face I could see her boobs jumping and her face is full of moans. The view from down here isn’t that bad.
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