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Her swollen flesh apex.How her body became animality flexed.He was taken her like a brute.How could she see his face thunderous take off your bathing suit with her pussy face P-pardon?Everything was about rocks and sex to him. She would lie like a stick and stone completely insensate to his rugged rough touch.ll his sadistic creatures all over the European countries scattered around.She was mad at him if her breasts weren't ridiculously so large she could get a better view into what he was. " Not getting too excited I hope?"No mistress I responded." I want you to understand how worthless and pathetic you are, these boots are more important to me than you"I sat there ashamed."In fact Bitch you kissed those boots now you can ask them out on a date, go on.My face turned crimson. Will you go out with me? I said to the boots. Jodie cried in hysterics."OMG pathetic aha"I blushed even more." Your lucky today though because I have a present for you" she pulled something out from under her. You can feel yourself getting so wet that your juices are running down your leg. Something long and thin slides into your hot, wet pussy. As it bends and wiggles , you realize that he has stuck a finger in you . You let out a moan of pleasure . He spanks your ass for it . "Pleasure and pain ,"he breathes into your ear.You feel a cool breeze that refreshes you. As you take a deep breath something presses up against your lips . You open wide as a long hard cock enters your willing mouth . Soft. I squeezed his shaft a little and then let go of it.I sucked on his dick for a little more than 5 minutes.I tried to stop both of them from cumming , but I couldn't. I was about to come too.All of us came and Mike fell on Andy's chest.They stayed like that for about a minute or so and then they got up and cleaned the cum off. I cleaned the cum off my body too and then we put our boxers back on and pants and some T-shirts, if I remember correctly. We went downstairs and had a breakfast and the.
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