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”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I woke up to the wonderful smell of the fish and fritters Alvita was frying for our breakfast. I felt Jason’s soft lips on mine as he smiled down at me, handing me morning coffee. Last night, our love-making had been tender and sweet. The sensation of being wrapped in his arms and feeling so small and powerless next to his bulk temporarily helped me forget my aching for Neil. But this morning he could see that sadness in my eyes.I don’t know if Jason. Six years my senior, I have very few memories of my sister before she became the object of my forbidden lust. She was small in height (around 5ft 3") and was delicately formed. Her brown hair was shoulder length and perfectly matched her eyes in colour. She had nice round breasts, B cups in size, and a firm, perfectly shaped ass. How could anyone not be attracted to her?Throughout my teenage years, she was in every fantasy that I had whilst masturbating and in every wet dream. Sure, I had. Still she is eldest of those three tasty tight teenies at me.The other two are s1sters. The slender sexy eldest has blonde cute curly long locks to look at.The youngest yummy is a brunette beauty, no boobies yet to speak of, but big nipples so to say.They have the same name, as both are called Love, the youngest in her mothers Dutch tongue.The slender sweet sexy blonde beauty is christened in classical Greek by her dad: Philomena!I let the warm water run down on us four, cuddled together for a. Leg? Why did I say 'leg'? No! Her legs never crossed my mind!Those two gorgeously tan and well sculptured legs that supported her exquisite frame had rarely been the subject of my thoughts!(Oh! I see how you are!! You can believe I was driving a Bentley but not that I hardly ever thought of her lust inspiring legs, huh?? Okay-y-y-y)Anyway...I parked the car and went through the posh hallway leading from the private garage to the terminal and checked the flight board. Her flight was still.
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