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Ohhhhh yes, fuck me; fuck me faster."I cried as I felt another orgasm rack my body. He really started ramming me and I started cumming one orgasm after the other. I was in a frenzy just like the last time he was home, the first time we'd made love to each other. I couldn't get enough of his cock and kept trying to drive it deeper into my pussy. Finally I let loose a massive orgasm and collapsed just as he drove his cock deep into my pussy it felt like he had shoved my cervix up into my uterus.. "You can't say no." Of course, I can." I settled back into the water. "Watch me! No ... uh, to April. No! No! No!"She let go of the bottoms, lifted a foot up behind her and took off the shoe. After repeating the process with the other foot, she tossed the shoes aside."You would never give up April if she wanted to stay," she said."I really want a Japanese chick! Or Chinese," I said."For a long time, I asked 'why me?' Why did you call me? Why do you play along with me?" Cause you're hot!" No,. "Imagine Mom walked in? What would you do?"Shit myself, he thought and asked, "What'dah you think she would do?"Deana nudged his leg. He lifted it, and she slid her thigh between his. Her silky skin moved up until his balls rested on it. "I think she would put her hands on her hips and try and look mad, but after a few seconds, a smile would slowly break on her face. She'd undress and do a slow, sexy walk over to my side of the bed. She'd lean over and pressed those plush, warm lips to mine,. There would be no delay. Her hands found my head but I needed no guidance at this point. My consistent flutter showed her she could trust me to finish what I had started.Her glutes tensed in my hands. She took a deep breath and still held it when I felt her go rigid. My mouth continued its work as small shudders rippled through her body until she finally exhaled in a sigh that was music to my ears.My wife drew her knees up and spread herself wide. I knew what she wanted, and I was ready to give.
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